The strategy of producing engaging brand content is quickly overtaking the traditional means of brand advertising. Adding depth to the brand experience with interactive content can greatly increase top of mind awareness. This year we have seen brands such as Old Spice, Dove and Ford produce viral videos showcasing products while entertaining social media influencers. Most savvy marketers are leveraging social media integration with ad media exposure.

With the saturation of daily marketing messages, consumers must remember your brand far past the time they view an ad on TV, online or in a print publication. Good creative is now dependent on both a solid media plan and a content strategy that will take messages viral. Content can exist in many forms. Here are 4 killer formats for the current digital era.

Mobile Apps

In 2012, 81% of mobile Web usage was through Apps. Brands have a huge opportunity to engage consumers with this medium.

User-generated Content Through Hashtags

It is now easier than ever to mobilize a brand army by promoting user-content through hastags on social sites such as Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram.

Social Gamifying

Games are one of the simplest yet effective ways to make products memorable. They are harder to create but pay off in viral spread and awareness.

Interactive Tools and Infographics

Interactive content is great because it possesses both a sexy design and provides useful functionality.